Mateusz Tomczak

Data Scientist, Python Developer


I'm Mateusz, I currently work at Accenture as a developer of applications that utilize OpenAI large language models. I'm also a master's student of Data Science and Business Analitics at the University of Warsaw. I've already finished first degree studies in Informatics and Econometrics.

I'm currently seeking opportunities to acquire experience in the field of Data Science, as well as Software Engineering.

In my free time I like to expand my skills and knowledge in the fields of my interests. During my studies at Faculty of Economic Sciences of University of Warsaw I also grew my interests in economics. I'm also passionate about architecture and technology.


Accenture, Warsaw

Intern in AI application development team

11.2023 - currently

  • Development of APIs, using the FastAPI library as well as Pydantic library, according to the client's requirements and working closely with the client to ensure proper integration of the application into the internal client's systems.
  • Creating applications that use LLMs along with the RAG system. Implementation of the Redis Database to load and extract relevant information that is matched to the end-user request by vector search and then injected into the LLM prompt, providing relevant data needed to form an answer.
  • Prompt Engineering - testing of different model prompting techniques to find the solutions that fit the best to the client's needs. Utilizing OpenAI's function calling functionality to generate structured responses that can be processed further.

Citibank Europe PLC, Warsaw

Intern at Transaction Control department

10.2022 - 12.2022

  • Analysis of the financial market transactions to ensure that the client instructions and requirements are clearly reflected in the Bank's systems responsible for performing and monitoring those transactions.
  • Working closely with other Citi divisions to ensure correctness of the data across the Bank's systems and implementation of error-correcting mechanisms.
  • Taking part in trainings outlining principles of asset trading on the financial market, analysis of the supplied data, appropriate communication with the client and automation of performed tasks.


Data Science and Business Anlaytics, Master's degree

University of Warsaw, 11.2023 - 06.2025 (planned graduation)

Informatics and Econometrics, Bachelor's degree

University of Warsaw, 11.2020 - 06.2023

Technical Skills


Python is my main programming language of choice. I use it in my private projects and at work. However, I'm open to expanding my skills in other programming languages :)

Libraries I've mainly worked with:


As I am interested in Data Science I've also been expanding my skills in different solutions for storing data. During my studies and at work I've been working with different types of databases:

Other Skills

During my studies, at work and in my free time I've also acquired other technical skills that I use in my projects.


Library simulator

Interactive Library simulation that utilizes Flask-based front-end and SQLite database. Application allows the user to control some aspects of the simulation. This application was used as a final project for my Python and SQL: Intro class

Library Simulation Repo

Movie/TV Show Scraper


Co-author of a webscraper used to collect data about movies and TV shows from The Movie DB website. I was responsible for creating the back-end of the application (Selenium, Scrapy, BeautifulSoup) and SQL database implemetation. This application was used as a final project for my Web Scraping and Social Media Scraping class.

Webscraper Repo

Spotify Song Technical Data Analysis


Co-author of a project for Data Driven Research and Advanced Python Language classes. Application utilizes Spotify API to extract relevant song data, which is then formatted and prepared for the conducted analysis.

Spotify Project Repo

Book Text Mining

Analysis of text of the book "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy. The book contents are first scrapped from the web and then are preprocessed and prepared for the word frequency, LDA and sentiment analysis.

Text Mining Repo

OLS model

Analysis of the high school students data using the OLS modelling and validation of the model results to predict the impact of the parents education on child's grades. This project was used as a final project for my Econometrics class.

OLS Model Repo

Python Terminal-based Adventure Game

Simple adventure game that is played in the terminal.

Python Game Repo

You can find all my projects on my GitHub


Girl in a jacket

The Data Science Course: Complete Data Scence Bootcamp


Girl in a jacket

Digital Economy

University of Warsaw

Girl in a jacket

Scentific Computing with Python


Girl in a jacket

Data Analysis with Python


Girl in a jacket

Relational Database
